Bike Trail Hahnenkamm


Kitzbühel all about mountain biking

13.06.2022 / From June 22th to June 25th, 2022 it's "pedal to the metal" again: the KitzAlpBike Mountain Bike Festival will take place for the 26th time. Bikers and fans can expect spectacular competitions amidst the magnificent mountain scenery of the Kitzbühel Alps. 

KitzAlpBike Festival celebrates bike diversity with new tour route

The KitzAlpBike Mountain Bike Festival is considered one of the toughest, but also most beautiful marathons of the racing season in Austria. For a quarter of a century, the bike event has been triggering enthusiasm from all over the world year after year, making it one of the oldest and largest mountain bike marathons in Austria - this year with a new trail-rich dream route. A lot of experience and the cooperation of several clubs, landowners and volunteers help to lift the spectacular event.

The start on Wednesday, June 22th, 2022 at 6.30 pm is the VAUDE MTB HillClimb in Brixen. Here, around 300 riders - from amateur to professional mountain bikers - from ten nations will take to the starting line, attempting to overcome around 5.5 km and 500 meters of altitude in the shortest possible time - stamina is required.

The highlight is the mountain bike marathon, which the participants will have to complete on Saturday, June 25th, 2022, starting at 8.00 am. It has a lot of sporting potential. The key data are promising: On the four different levels of difficulty Medium, Medium Plus, Extreme and Ultra each biker will find his / her appropriate route. The different routes range from 38 km and 1,500 vertical meters to 86 km with 3,600 vertical meters, lead challengingly uphill as well as downhill, partly over groomed slopes like the trails of the Fleckalm or at the Hahnenkamm and are peppered with hotspots like the legendary Streif or the Choralpe. It is not only the sporting achievements of the mountain bikers that are impressive. Also the beautiful mountain scenery inspires and provides a unique atmosphere. Thus, the route unfolds the full beauty of the region.

Program overview KitzAlpBike Festival 2022

:: Wednesday, June 22th, 2022 from 6.30 pm | VAUDE MTB-HillClimb Brixen im Thale
:: Saturday, June 25th from 8.00 am | Start of all routes of the Moutainbike Marathon

Registration and further information can be found at and at

Presserückfragen: Mag. (FH) Anna Lena Obermoser, MA | | +43 5356 66660-16

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