Presse Sommer

With a glasses case from Kitzbühel to the USA

Bei diesem globalen Wettbewerb werden die besten Kreationen von Etsy-Shops aus aller Welt in verschiedenen Kategorien gewürdigt. Die Etsy Design Awards zeichnen Kreationen aus, die originell, innovativ und handwerklich von hoher Qualität sind. Das Brillenetui von dem in Kitzbühel lebenden Pierre Beaulieu hat es unter die Top 150 FinalistInnen geschafft. Die Wahl wird Ende Juli bekanntgegeben.

Top-class jury

The jury, consisting of Sarah Jessica Parker and Dayna Isom Johnson, will select the winner of the main prize as well as the winners in the various categories.

Sarah Jessica Parker, a renowned actress best known for her role in Sec an the City, has won four Golden Globe Awards, two Emmys and three Screen Actors Guild Awards for her outstanding career. She is known not only in the entertainment industry but also for her interest in culture and the arts. During the Obama administration, she was a member of the President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities.

Dayna Isom Johnson is a trend expert at Etsy and also shares her extensive knowledge as a judge on the NBC show 'Making It'. At Etsy, Johnson's responsibilities include spotting brand new industry trends. She tirelessly searches for new, unique must-haves, innovative designs, interesting Etsy shops and sellers with fascinating background stories.

Further information on the nominated product can be found at

All information on the destination Kitzbühel can be found at

Contact: Kitzbühel Tourism | Hinterstadt 18 | 6370 Kitzbühel | | +43 5356 66660

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