High-quality digital experts from all over the world are in Kitzbühel these days. At the same time, as of today, a virtual copy of Kitzbühel can be found in the so-called digital city.
How does a hotel function without employees purely through artificial intelligence? What impact does artificial intelligence have on our working lives? What exactly is the metaverse and how can I use it for my company? What potential do museums see in NFT art? These and other questions will be presented at the Digital Future Festival metagonia as part of a top-class programme, accessible to all and easy to understand.
metagonia with a high-calibre programme
On 06 and 07 October 2023, the metagonia conference will take place in Kitzbühel at the Grand Tirolia Kitzbühel, Rosi's Sonnbergstuben, the Museum Kitzbühel and the Lebenberg Schlosshotel. Alternating lectures and panel discussions by top-class speakers will also be broadcast via livestream on the first day.
The gateway to the digital worlds will be opened by Peter Becke, Chief Creative Officer of ComSat Media GmbH and Head of metagonia. This will be followed by presentations on the digital future by companies such as META, the Austrian National Bank, XVERSO, Christie's London, the Belvedere Museum and the State Secretary for Digitisation and Member of Parliament.
In addition to the paid metagonia conference, there is the Sparkasse Kitzbühel's metagonia Plaza, which is located in the centre, more precisely in Kitzbühel's city park, until 08 October 2023 and is open to the public. Free side events, a digital art and culture programme and insights into new digital worlds are offered in the Plaza. School classes are increasingly taking up the offer and, in cooperation with Sparkasse Kitzbühel, are immersing themselves in the digital world and in the virtual copy of Kitzbühel on site.
Digital City Kitzbühel
Kitzbühel has a front town, a back town and is expanding with a digital town, the first in Europe. Thanks to the initiator Thorsten Peisl, already well-known institutions can be visited on www.digitalstadt.at: from the Hotel Zur Tenne, which is currently being renovated, to the Filmtheater Kitzbühel and on to the Walde exhibition in the Museum Kitzbühel. The Kitzbüheler Anzeiger is available in the Digital Kiosk and the Sparkasse Kitzbühel can be visited in the Digital Branch. Interactions in the digital space are not only visual. After creating an individual avatar, it is also possible to interact with other avatars.
"Making the developments in the digital space understandable for everyone and outlining the effects on our daily life and work is not only extremely topical, but exciting at the same time. For this reason, we are particularly pleased to open the first metagonia conference with us in Kitzbühel. Our steering committee, which offers quick and uncomplicated start-up funding for future projects as part of the #wirsindKitzbühel branding process, agreed to support metagonia as one of the first future projects. With the presentation of the Digital City Kitzbühel, we are celebrating a second world premiere. With VR glasses, the virtual copy can be experienced until Sunday in the metagonia Plaza and is definitely worth a visit," says Kitzbühel Tourism Managing Director Dr. Viktoria Veider-Walser.
You can find more information at www.metagonia.org
All information on the destination Kitzbühel can be found at kitzbuehel.com
Contact: Kitzbühel Tourism | Hinterstadt 18 | 6370 Kitzbühel
info@kitzbuehel.com | www.kitzbuehel.com | +43 5356 66660